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Digital video


Digital video content includes:

  • Pre-recorded video.
  • Recorded footage of live events, such as webinars.
  • Video without audio.

Any digital video shared in the University's digital estate must be published/provided with:

  • Captions.
  • A transcript.
  • A separate version of the video that includes audio description if there is important information shown that’s not relayed in the audio as well.
In a rush? Use our 'Video accessibility checklist'.



A video transcript must communicate all the verbal information with identification of different speakers, any important, audible, non-verbal information (e.g. sound effects, laughter), any important visual-only information (e.g. a trend on a graph, hand signals).

Learn how to produce a transcript with our guidance.

Audio description

Audio description must include any important visual-only information (e.g. a trend on a graph, hand signals).

Audio description is an addition to the audio of a video. It provides information about important visual-only content, such as information in a graphic and on-screen text.

Learn how to produce audio description with our guidance.


All text and important visual information should have 4.5:1 colour contrast against its background.

Flashing or flickering content

Digital video should not contain flashing or flickering content.

Background music

Background music should be avoided or very quiet during other important audio information.

Commissioning digital audio or video

A supplier would typically be expected to provide the following, as appropriate, in line with this guidance:

  • Captions.
  • A transcript.
  • A separate version of a video that includes audio description if there is important information shown that’s not relayed in the audio as well.

For full guidance on how to commission accessible digital video see the Digital audio and video page.

Foreign language

Digital audio or video intended for an English-speaking audience that contains spoken foreign language should use a voiceover to relay what is being communicated. Captions and transcripts should not be relied on for translation. Instead, they should relay the translated audio.

For full guidance on accessible foreign language in digital video see the Digital audio and video page.