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Abbreviations and acronyms

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When using abbreviations and acronyms in web content, it's possible to apply code that makes the full version available to those who hover over the term with their mouse, and potentially to assistive technologies such as screen readers.

Jadu enables you to do this. It's not essential, but helps with accessibility.

What and why: Abbreviation code can allow assistive technologies to present the full version of the abbreviation and should provide an on-screen, hover-over tooltip showing the term in full.

Screen readers may not announce acronyms correctly, making it difficult for people to understand if they're left without abbreviation code or a nearby explanation. If people, even those who do not have a disability, are not familiar with an acronym they might struggle to understand your information.

University style

Bear in mind the guidance provided in University style around abbreviations and acronyms. The advice includes:

  • Avoid abbreviations and acronyms if at all possible.
  • The first time you use an abbreviation or acronym, explain it in full, after which you can refer to it by the initials, eg School of Politics and International Studies (POLIS).
  • If something is better known by its acronym, ie GCSE, BBC or NHS, there is no need to explain it in full.

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How to

Abbreviations for Jadu users

  1. Highlight the abbreviation to which you want to add a tooltip.
  2. Select the ‘Insert Abbreviation’ button in the editor toolbar.
  3. In the ‘Abbreviation Properties’ pop-up box enter the full term or phrase in the ‘Full Text’ box.
  4. Select 'OK'.

Creating a tooltip to spell out the full meaning of an acronym or abbreviation in Jadu is a simple process.

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Abbreviations for WordPress users

It's not currently possible to add tooltip-like explanations for abbreviations or acronyms in WordPress.

Please continue to apply University style to abbreviations and acronyms.

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Abbreviations for Word users

Although it's possible to add ScreenTips to links in Word, they cannot be added to plain text. There is no accessible way to mark up abbreviations in Word.

Please continue to apply University style to abbreviations and acronyms.

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